Page 18 - May-June-2017
P. 18

               Innovation award received

                                by Soorty Denim

             Munich Fabric Start- an event that took place in   and dry by moving in a damp condition, keeping
             March this year, the Soorty Denim Active got the   the moisture out of the body and allowing it to
             awards of Hightex innovation for its new Denim   evaporate more quickly. The Coolmax Eco Made
             Active concept. According to the manufacturers of   fibre is made from 97% recycled resources such as
             the idea the new concept blurs the borders      plastic bottles, providing lesser material for the land
             between the sport and casual wear and combines   fill by end of its age. On the other hand the Lycra
             the two lifestyles.                             fibre can provide 360 degree of stretch and is a
                                                             light weight fabric combining with comfort and
             Denim for athleisure, made with Coolmax Eco     softness making it perfect to be used in gym,
             Made technology, helps to keep the wearer cool   cycling, shopping and more, the company reports.

              MEPs demand respect for

                 labor rights in Sri Lanka

             Workers must have the rights to bargain and      keep on being exploited.”
             organize, said was in a report fact finding of mission
             to Sri Lanka in addition to the Members of the   The delegation, that included representatives from
             European Parliament. The suggestion was made     trade union 3F of Denmark, the International Trans-
             with the focus on the fact these rights are substantial   port Workers Federation (ITWF) and Clean Clothes
             if one need to grant the country with preferential   Campaign (CCC), had a meeting with the workers
             trading conditions by the European Union.        and trade union leaders who have been subject to
                                                              harassment, illegal dismissal, sexual harassment
             MEP Lola Sánchez Caldentey said in a statement   and labor rights violations in the Free Trade Zones of
             that, “We are willing to give preferences to Sri Lanka,   Sri Lanka.
             but only if we are sure that the benefit also goes to
             the workers.” The mission took places between 10   On meeting the subjects, the delegates showed
             and 12th of april 2017 and the participants were   their serious concerns about the use of manpower
             invited by the IndustriALL Sri Lanka Council to   agencies for co-working arrangements, which have
             assess the country’s progress in human and labour   undermined freedom of association and collective
             rights compliance in relation to the re-application by   bargaining in Sri Lanka. Another concern showed
             the Government of Sri Lanka for the EU’s General-  was about the interference of the judiciary on the
             ized System of Preferences Plus status (GSP+).   labor disputes. IndustriALL’s assistant general
                                                              secretary, Jenny Holdcroft, in response to this fact
             As a result of more than 10 meeting sin Sir Lanka,   finding mission said that “It is good that EU Parlia-
             Sánchez Caldentey said that: “If the European Union   mentarians have been to Sri Lanka to see for
             consumers knew the abusive conditions under      themselves the conditions for workers. We hope that
             which the women make the cloth that they buy, they   this will encourage the EU to put proper protections
             would be ashamed.” At the same time the MEP      in place to ensure that the benefits of trade are
             Anne-Marie Mineur added: “The government must    passed on to Sri Lankan workers. Full respect for the
             ensure that these workers can organize themselves   rights to freedom of association and to bargain
             through trade unions, because otherwise they will   collectively is essential.”
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