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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Cotton cultivation declining in Faisalabad district

Fertilization of cotton, a yield is generally known by the epithet ‘white gold’, has decayed extraordinarily in Faisalabad district, stated a formal from the Agriculture Department on Saturday. In the previous five years, cotton cultivation has been finished on more than 22,000 acres of land, he added.

Five years ago, cotton was seeded in over 0.1 million acres of land in the Faisalabad sector. But, with the passage of time, cotton is only being cultivated on 79,000 acres.

In light of these shocking statistics, the government has decided to encourage farmers to cultivate the yield. The government has fixed a target of 16 million bales of cotton for this year. Regarding this farmers will be providing a subsidy of Rs1, 000 on every bag of seeds so that they are capable to cultivate the yield on the maximum area of land, he maintained.

A field team from the department has also been transmitted to persuade planters to cultivate cotton; in this way the maximum area of the land present can be used to cultivate cotton thereby increasing its manufacture, he highlighted.

Further that the department has also devised a comprehensive approach for this aim. Seminars,   workshops training, and sessions are being organized at a union council level while the field team has been directed to attain cotton cultivation aims. Their performance will be supervised regularly, he said.

The field team has also been directed to collect the data of cotton farmers in the district thus that they are able to avail the motivations and subsidies provided by the government, he stated. He keeps maintained that cotton is a costly commodity for the state. Not only does it play a vital role in bringing in foreign exchange through exports, but it also produces jobs for millions of people in the textile sector, but the official also said.

Cotton is a cash yield and is helping to allay the financial burden on farmers. Growers should cultivate approved varieties on the maximum area of land available. He advised farmers to begin cultivating cotton crops after mid-April, adding that assist can be sought on the department’s free helpline.

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