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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chinese farmers adopt cotton quality traceability system

During harvesting in the ongoing cotton season, cotton farmers in Xinjiang Province made use of the cotton quality traceability system for the first time to ensure orderly harvesting and sales.

Implementing cotton quality traceability has been made an important part of improving the cotton target price policy and also a significant measure to improve and promote cotton quality.

Cotton ginners are also required to strictly implement traceability and meet all the requirements of traceability of the cotton crop

Cotton farmers and ginners have been provided unique identification or bar codes to achieve accurate traceability from cotton farmers to packed cotton bales.

The cotton quality traceability system started as a pilot project in the 2021-22 season and was carried out in 38 cotton farms in various counties of Xinjiang province.

After this, the government issued a ‘Cotton Quality Traceability Implementation Plan’ and all farmers were encouraged to stop the system

From planting to harvesting, photos are taken throughout the process to ensure high-quality cotton from the source, so that cotton farmers can enjoy the dividends brought by high-quality cotton.

In order to encourage farmers to adopt the traceability system, they are also provided subsidies by the provincial government.

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