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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Turkey the largest denim apparel exporter outside Asia

Denim apparel are an Asian specialty with China the largest exporters of denim apparel in the world, followed by Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, but Turkey is fast emerging as tough competitor for Asian countries capturing high end markets in Europe and America.

The countries with the highest denim exports from Turkey in 2020 are Germany, which imports 248.6 million US Dollars with a decrease of 13 percent, Spain carrying out imports of 236.3 million US Dollars with a decrease of 4.4 percent, and the Netherlands with 217.4 million dollar imports, achieving an increase of 1.7 percent.

Among the first twenty countries, the country with the highest rate of increase in denim clothing exports was Sweden, with an increase of 13.8 percent, achieving an export worth 37.2 million US Dollars.

Apart from Sweden, denim clothing exports to the Netherlands also increased by 1.7 percent. The countries with a high rate of decrease in denim clothing exports were Algeria with a decrease of 39.5 percent and carrying out 11.2 million US Dollars in exports, and Israel with a decrease of 36.7 percent and carrying out 11.2 million US Dollars of exports.

In the first quarter of 2021, denim clothing amounting to 431.5 million US Dollars was exported from Turkey, and the volume of exports increased by 5.4 percent compared to the same period of 2020. The share of denim ready-to-wear apparel within woven apparel exports was 25.1 percent.

In the January-March period of 2021, the countries with the highest denim exports from Turkey are Spain, with an increase of 38.2 percent amounting to 92.9 million US Dollars, Germany with 75.3 million US Dollars of exports with a decrease of 1.1 percent, and the Netherlands, with a decrease of 7.1 percent and amounting to 59.4 million US Dollars. Belarus, was the country with the highest increase in denim fabric exports in the first quarter of 2021

Among the list of the top 20 countries that denim ready-to-wear apparel was exported from Turkey, eleven of them achieved increases in the volume of exports between 1.1 and 63.8, while nine of them had shrinkage rates ranging from 1.1 and 36.7. Among the first twenty countries, the country with the highest rate of increase in denim clothing exports was Belarus, with an increase of 63.8 percent, achieving an export value of 2.9 million US Dollars.

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