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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Brands and retailers applying the ‘Australian Cotton Mark’ to their products

The Cotton to Market team at Cotton Australia, an Australian cotton trade body, boosted demand and support for Aussie-grown, quality, and sustainable cotton.

“The team worked closely with brands and retailers to source Australian cotton through their supply chain, which led to an increase in Australian cotton products in the market,” Cotton Australia said in a press release.

According to the trade body, brands and retailers were also applying the ‘Australian Cotton Mark’ to their products, increasing the number of products carrying the mark by 91 percent from the previous year.

“This almost doubled the number of items proudly promoting Australian cotton on the tag, providing an additional point of appeal for discerning consumers,” Cotton Australia observed.

Other achievements in 2023 include a 79 percent increase in applications to license products with the Australian cotton mark and a 48 percent increase in licensed brand partners.

A 91 percent increase in licensed products bearing the Australian cotton mark also increased, adorning almost 29 million items.

Over the past decade, the Cotton to Market program has grown substantially and forged authentic collaborations with brands, retailers, and supply chain partners.

The team’s success is anchored in solid brand relationships and the inherent quality and versatility of Australian Cotton itself.

The range of products featuring the Australian cotton mark has diversified beyond essentials like socks and jocks.

It now includes towels, sheets, jeans, and apparel from major Australian retailers such as Big W, Sussan, and Target and international brands like Rodd & Gunn and Aldi.

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