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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Australian Cotton industry releases five-year strategic plan

The Australian Cotton Industry has launched its key planning document for the next five years with a vision to ensure the industry remains thriving, trusted, and in demand, with a strong reputation for reliability and quality.

The Strategic Plan 2023-2028 aims to advance the Australian cotton industry, identify opportunities for improvement that drive progress and create value for all stakeholders, prioritize those, and appropriately resource them to realize the opportunities.

The Strategic Plan has been developed in a collaborative process to coincide with the successful completion of the previous Strategic Plan for 2023.

The plan has been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders including cotton growers, merchants, shippers, ginners, textile manufacturers, brands and retailers, governments, NGOs, consumers, and research bodies.

The plan’s vision is that in 2028, the Australian cotton industry will be thriving, trusted, and in demand, with a strong reputation for reliability and quality.

Growers and their industry partners will have the confidence to continue investing for future returns while meeting global sustainability standards for every bale of cotton produced.

To deliver on purpose and satisfy the vision, the cotton industry will focus on five key priorities Advocacy, Trust, Sustainability, Leadership, and Governance.

Each of the five priority areas includes five key strategies to help realize each of them with key performance indicators providing a clear strategy for success and targets to ensure accurate measurement of the actions undertaken to achieve the document vision.

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